Are you handling your stress, or is your stress handling you?

What Are BrainTap and Heart Rate Variability Monitoring?

The data acquired from the HRV scan answers these important questions:

“Is stress aging you prematurely?”

“Is stress depleting your brain function and energy levels?”

“How is stress affecting your metabolism?”

Is BrainTap Right for You?

What Happens During the Initial Braintap Session?

What Does the HRV Scan Measure?

  • ECG recording
  • Stress index (is stress low or high)
  • Assessment of the state of the cardiovascular and nervous system (is the body in fight or flight, exhausted, or balanced)
  • Assessment of the body’s neurohumoral regulation (energy and metabolism) 
  • Assessment of the body’s current psycho-emotional state using brain biorhythm mapping (is the brain stressed or balanced)
  • Assessment of the body’s adaptation level and level of harmonization of biological rhythms  
  • Determination of the patient’s biological age, determination of premature aging or reversed aging

The HRV scan is a monitoring tool. It is not a diagnostic tool.

How Does the HRV Scan Gain Information from Decoding the Heartbeat?

  • Low frequency (LF) corresponds to sympathetic nervous system regulation, or acute stress/fight or flight mode
  • High frequency (HF) corresponds to parasympathetic regulation, or rest/digest/heal/detoxify mode 
  • Very low frequency (VLF) reflects the central nervous system (CNS) and its regulation through its downstream hormones accessed through HPA axis, as seen in “burn out” mode and a state of adrenal exhaustion

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